The wheels on the airplane hadn’t even left the ground in Anchorage on my return flight and I already knew it wouldn’t be 6 months before I was headed back. Realistically, in my mind, 6 weeks should be suffice to sell everything and wrap up any loose ends. All I needed were buyers…for EVERYTHING…lol.
It was pouring rain when I got home, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I already had my 1st buyer within 5 minutes of getting home. To me, that was a sign from the universe. I also had phone calls from Elmer (in Alaska) saying he needed me and my AK man to winter over in his homestead. Oh my heck! Things were just landing in my lap. Now I had a place to stay…at least for a year. There was no stopping me now!
I put the house up for sale by owner and just advertised it with my daily yard sale. When I had enough saved for this I bought it and filled it with what was going to Alaska with me.
Everything i would take would fit in this 5 X 8 enclosed trailer. It was hectic for weeks, hauling all household items outside. The house emptied… until I was sitting in a camp chair with my computer on a tiny nightstand.
And then…like a miracle, the house sold and closed in 11 days!!! I had 2 attorneys working on it, otherwise…
I only needed to get my Alaska worthy vehicle. And then…Oh my heck!
I am sooo ready to fulfill this dream!
Bye bye Utah! and guess what? It took 6 weeks for me to do it all. A senior (60-somethin) widowed woman with nothing but a dream. My life is about to drastically change.
Stay tuned….